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Vehicle Repair
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7 car battery maintenance tips

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You need a lot of money, time and effort to keep your car in good repair. One of the key elements of your car’s overall health is its battery. The proper functioning of the car’s electrical system depends on the condition of the battery.

Here are a few tips to keep your battery in good repair.

  1. Conduct regular battery checks to ensure that the terminals are clean, tightly connected and free from corrosion. A dirty battery may make for a weak connection.
  2. Before you switch off your car, make you you turn off the lights, radio or anything other appliances that may drain off your battery.
  3. Keep your car in the shade, most people don’t know that heat damages the battery.
  4. Clean off all corrosion on the terminals using coca-cola or a mixture of water & bicarbonate of soda.
  5. There are many types of batteries, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to keep your battery in good repair.
  6. Make sure your battery sits well and is properly secured in its position so that it does not move and spill the acid when you drive.
  7. Avoid using radio and air conditioner or other electrical appliances connected to your car when your car isn’t running.

Well, this doesn’t mean that well-maintained batteries won’t die. Eventually, it will reach its best before date and you may need to replace it.